October News from Villa Regina
1. Ricardo is presently teaching through Genesis, Nehemiah, and Acts verse by verse and says it has become a great blessing for the church and especially for his personal life. Pray that the church would appreciate even more the importance of verse-by-verse Bible teaching.
2. José, the young man Ricardo visits on a weekly basis, has confessed faith in Christ. Ricardo says they are waiting for the proofs of his verbal profession of faith.
3. A lady named Kati called Ricardo the other day because she wanted to be assured from the Scriptures that she is a Christian. Kati lost her brother in a motorcycle accident one month ago. She began to witness to her family as soon as this happened, and Ricardo believes she understands the gospel through the grace of God.
Prayer requests
1. Please continue to pray that the money will come in so that they can purchase the building where the church is meeting. They can rent it until June 2013.
2. Pray that God would bring more young people into the church as a result of the witness and testimony of the young people in their schools. At present, Ricardo has just two teens in the youth meetings, one boy and one girl.
3. Pray also for strong marriage relationships in the church. The church needs strong families that would be clear witnesses in their own neighborhoods.
We're glad that we have this way to share what is happening here. God is good and we hope we would be ready to share with you what He is doing through us in Villa Regina, Argentina, SA. We serve as NATIONAL PASTORS (Unión de Centros Bíblicos - UCB) with Gospel Mission of South America 1401 SW 21 avenue Fort Lauderdale Fl 33312 phone: 954-587-2975 -- Lord bless. Sirviendo al Señor con la Unión de Centros Bíblicos en la ciudad de Villa Regina, Patagonia Argentina
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
August Prayer Requests

The Daglios thank God for doing a work of grace in their daughter Carolina, who is 23. She is now filling her life and heart with the Word and is committed to living for the Lord. Please continue to pray that the Lord will work in the heart of their son, Lucas (21). Ricardo says Lucas seems to be realizing the emptiness of life without Christ, but he is still away from the Saviour.
As a result of the retail work that Silvina is doing, the Daglios are making many new contacts and are having many opportunities to share Christ with people. Pray that God would use this new activity, not only to help with their financial needs, but especially to reach many souls for Christ.
Please continue to pray regarding the church’s need to purchase the building it is presently renting. The church will have to either buy the building or move by May 2013. They need approximately $90,000 US to buy it. Ricardo says, “We know that the church consists of living stones, but a building of our own property will help [us] to gather together in one place.”
Please also pray for the salvation of José and Vanessa, a couple Ricardo is visiting every Wednesday. They are very interested in knowing God. Finally, pray that God would strengthen and confirm the believers so that they will have the kind of commitment they will need in order to serve the Lord in the days ahead.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
"Por Mi Cuenta Viví" - Marvin & Andrea Hiebert singing / cantando
Marvin and Andrea Hiebert singing in Salto, Uruguay - Marvin y Andrea Hiebert cantando en Salto, Uruguay
Doing Evangelism door by door - Haciendo Evangelismo puerta a puerta
Several months ago we started visiting our neighborhood placing literature and gospel tracts in many homes. We're able to start again soon as the Summer has gone in this part of the world and it is a better weather to start visiting. Pray for us and for good relationship with the people around the church.
Hace unos meses atrás comenzamos a visitar nuestro vecindario de la iglesia colocando literatura y tratados evangelísticos en los hogares de los vecinos. Pronto podremos comenzar nuevamente ya que el Verano en esta parte del mundo ha pasado y es mejor el clima para visitar casa por casa. Oren por nosotros y por una buena recepción por parte de la gente.
Praying for the building - Orando por el local
We still are praying for the building where we are gathering since June 2011, we do have one more year of renting and then we have to purchase it or move from there. Please, continue to pray for the money we need for the purchase that is about u$s 90.000
Seguimos orando por el edificio donde nos estamos reuniendo como iglesia desde Junio de 2011, aún resta un año más de alquiler y luego hemos de comprar o mudarnos. Por favor, continúen orando por el dinero que necesitamos para la compra que ronda en los u$s 90.000
Seguimos orando por el edificio donde nos estamos reuniendo como iglesia desde Junio de 2011, aún resta un año más de alquiler y luego hemos de comprar o mudarnos. Por favor, continúen orando por el dinero que necesitamos para la compra que ronda en los u$s 90.000
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