Dear ones,
Thank you for your prayers. We made a great trip to Chile with my son Lucas. Several things should be mention now.
1. The wonderful time we spent together as father-son. Lucas needed it in a special way.
2. God's providence during the whole trip crossing the Andes and His wisdom in several decisions we had to make.
3. During Family Camp I felt God's hand helping me to teach 10 times during the whole week. I saw His blessed hand over the listeners and He helped me to share the word. I thank God for seeing His work in the lives of many present there.
4. But, in a special way, I have to thank God for being a first hand spectator of the work he did in our son Lucas. God spoke to his heart in such a way that he's now seeking God to please Him. His interest in the Bible is growing up and in serving him too. We sang together as we went back to our church. Praise God for His mercies!
5. Thank you for continue to pray for a place for our church and a place for our home. We need the second one in a special way. We don't know how the Lord will provide but we know for sure that He will!
6. Be praying for Micaela's and Carolina's test this and next week.
Lord bless each one.