Estamos agradecidos por la guía de Dios en todo lo que está haciendo por nosotros aquí. Anoche tuvimos una reunión administrativa presentando a la iglesia el Proyecto 1 acerca del terreno para la iglesia (actualmente alquilamos). Sabemos que Dios es capaz de proveer exactamente lo que necesitamos. Por ahora, contamos con el 10% del valor del terreno, y la iglesia está ahorrando el 1% mensual y esperamos que esto se incrementará en los próximos meses. Les invitamos a orar con nosotros y participar en este Proyecto. Para mayor información, por favor escriban a o
We're glad that we have this way to share what is happening here. God is good and we hope we would be ready to share with you what He is doing through us in Villa Regina, Argentina, SA. We serve as NATIONAL PASTORS (Unión de Centros Bíblicos - UCB) with Gospel Mission of South America 1401 SW 21 avenue Fort Lauderdale Fl 33312 phone: 954-587-2975 -- Lord bless. Sirviendo al Señor con la Unión de Centros Bíblicos en la ciudad de Villa Regina, Patagonia Argentina
Monday, November 23, 2009
Praying for Proyect 1 - Orando por el Proyecto 1
We are so thankful for the guidance of God in all He is doing for us here. Yesterday night we had a business meeting at the church presenting Proyect 1 about a piece of land for our church (we are renting now). We know for sure that the Lord is able to help us purchase exactly what we need. For now, we have 10% of what the owner of the place is asking for, and the church is able to save 1% each month, and we hope that percentage will increase in the following months. So we invite you to pray with us and to participate in this Proyect. For further information, please write to or
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What's going on in Villa Regina? - ¿Qué está ocurriendo en Villa Regina?
Thank you for your prayers. We know we are always supported through them. God is good and he's blessing the Word that is being given in different ways. May He continue to help us serve Him with all our hearts and strength. Here are several prayer issues:
1. Pray for Rojas family - they came last Sunday night to our service. They are from a very strong Catholic background but they're seeking the truth.
2. Pray for Youth group that the Lord would rise among them those who want to commit their lives for serving.
3. Pray for a piece of land for church property. We think the Lord did open a door for a place and we have started to talk with the owner to see how much is he selling it. Some pictures of the place here, one is taken from Google Earth. If that is the place, we will have to pull down the old place you see in the picture. The place is huge and adequate for our needs. This would be Proyect 1.
4. Pray for our Sunday School teachers. We lack some and is not easy to evaluate the needs without them.
5. Pray for our future Christmas program. This year we pray that God would guide us to do something outdoor.
Gracias por sus oraciones. Sabemos que somos sostenidos por medio de ellas. Dios es bueno y está bendiciendo la Palabra enseñada en diferentes maneras. Que El nos ayude a continuar sirviéndole con todo el corazón y fuerzas. Aquí hay algunos motivos de oración:
1. Oren por la famila Rojas. Llegaron el domingo por primera vez y con un profundo trasfondo católico, sin embargo, están buscando conocer la verdad.
2. Oren por el grupo de jóvenes. Que Dios levante entre ellos algunos con compromiso para servirle.
3. Oren por una propiedad para la iglesia. Creemos que Dios ha abierto un puerta importante. hemos comenzado a hablar con el dueño para saber sus pretensiones. Aquí hay algunas fotos y una tomada con Google Earth. Si el Señor nos provee para ello, tendremos que derribar la construcción vieja que se ve en la foto. El lugar es inmenso y apto para nuestras necesidades. Esto sería el Proyecto 1.
4. Oren por los maestros de Escuela Dominical. La falta de los mismos impide evaluar correctamente las necesidades.
5. Oren por el programa de Navidad. Este año pensamos hacer algo al aire libre.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Bible's Month - Mes de la Biblia
During September in Spanish speaking countries is celebrated the Bible's month - it has to do with the first imprint of a Spanish Bible in 1569. We use the opportunity to strengthen the need to read, love and treasure the Bible. In this occasion we're memorizing Ephesians 6:10-18 at Sunday School, and learning in a graphic way what does it mean in spiritual language for us. The kids enjoy watching our brother Balsovino wearing the "armor of God." Each Sunday is a different part to be teached.
Durante el mes de Setiembre se celebra el mes de la Biblia en todos los paises de habla hispana debido a que en 1569 se imprimió la Biblia en español por primera vez. Nosotros utilizamos esta oportunidad para fortalecer la idea de la importancia de leer, amar y atesorar la Biblia. En esta ocasión estamos memorizando Efesios 6:10-18 en la Escuela Dominical, y aprendiendo de manera gráfica qué significa para nosotros esta porción en lenguaje espiritual. Los niños disfrutan viendo a nuestro hermano Balsovino ser vestido con la "armadura de Dios." Cada domingo una parte distinta es enseñada.
Enjoying - Disfrutando
Every year we gather together for a lunch with the church after Sunday School. You can see in the pictures a typical food cooked in a disc plow. It is really a very delicious food... We enjoyed the fellowship around the table.
Cada año nos juntamos para tener un almuerzo luego de la Escuela Dominical. Pueden ver en las fotos, una comida típica hecha sobre un disco de arado. Realmente es deliciosa.... Disfrutamos la comunión alrededor de la mesa.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Singing to the Lord - Cantando al Señor
Discipleship - Discipulado
It is always a wonderful and a blessed experience a new discipleship. Victor came to know the Lord a few weeks ago, although he assisted to the church for some years. Now we're gathering together every Friday to read the book "The Stranger" that is a great tool for every christian, new and mature. Please, be praying for Victor. He's very busy not only at his work but also attending his mother who is in a wheelchair.
Siempre es una maravillosa y bendecida experiencia comenzar un nuevo disciplulado. Victor llegó a conocer a Cristo hace unas semanas, aunque ya asisitía a la iglesia por algunos años. Ahora nos juntamos todos los viernes para leer el libro "El Forastero" que es una tremenda herramienta para cada cristiano, para los nuevos y los que ya han madurado. Por favor, oren por Victor. Tiene mucha ocupación no solamente con su trabajo sino cuidando a su mamá que se encuentra en silla de ruedas.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Pastor's Conference - Conferencia de Pastores
It has been a joy and a privilege to participate of a Pastor's Conference with the topic of Bible Exposition. It is an urgent need for today's pulpits to recover Bible Exposition. It was a wonderful privilege to listen to Pastor Henry Tolopilo, spanish pastor of Grace Community Church, that is John MacArthur's church. Pray that God would help us to continue in a faithful preaching that emerge from a deep undesrtanding of the Word of God and from a life that keeps in touch with His Spirit to be able to preach the whole counsel of God.
Fue un gozo y privilegio participar en una Conferencia de Pastores con el tema de la Exposición Bíblica. Es una necesidad urgente en los púlpitos de hoy el hecho de recuperar la Predicación Expositiva. Fue un maravilloso privilegio oir al Pastor Henry Tolopilo, pastor hispano de la iglesia Grace Community Church, que es la iglesia de John MacArthur. Oremos que Dios nos ayude a continuar en la fiel predicación que emerge de una profunda comprensión de la Palabra de Dios y de una vida que está en contacto con su Espíritu para ser capaz de predicar todo el consejo de Dios.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Congratulations Lucas - Felicitaciones Lucas

Today is Fireman's Day in Argentina. We thank God for Lucas our son, who is one of them! We pray God would be glorified through this way in the life of Lucas.
Hoy es el día del Bombero en Argentina. Damos gracias a Dios por Lucas nuestro hijo, quien es uno de ellos. Oramos que Dios sea glorificado a través de esto en la vida de Lucas.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Alma's dedication... Dedicación de Alma
We had a nice service that included the dedication of Alma Tello. It is always an opportunity to share our faith and our beliefs on what the Bible says about rearing children. We had new ones that came to listen the Word and to participate in the dedication service. Pray for a lady whose name is Clara, she seemed to be concerned about finding the Truth. She has a Seventh Adventism background, but still is looking for the Truth.
Tuvimos un hermoso culto que incluyó la dedicación de Alma Tello. Siempre es una oportunidad de compartir nuestra fe y nuestras creencias sobre lo que la Biblia dice acerca de la crianza de los hijos. Tuvimos algunos nuevos que vinieron a oir la Palabra y participar en el servicio de dedicación. Oren por una dama cuyo nombre es Clara y que parece muy preocupada por hallar la Verdad. Tiene un trasfondo Adventista pero aún está buscando la Verdad.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mockingbird in our backyard... Calandrias en nuestro jardín...
In our backyard, we have a big Ulmus tree, where Mokingbirds come to sing for our delight... Here a little video of one of them... Enjoy, God is good and His hand is seen in nature.
En el jardín de nuestra casa, atrás, tenemos un gran Olmo, donde las Calandrias vienen a cantar para nuestro deleite... He aquí un pequeño video de una de ellas... Disfruten, Dios es bueno y su mano se ve en la naturaleza.
En el jardín de nuestra casa, atrás, tenemos un gran Olmo, donde las Calandrias vienen a cantar para nuestro deleite... He aquí un pequeño video de una de ellas... Disfruten, Dios es bueno y su mano se ve en la naturaleza.
Monday, May 25, 2009
English - Spanish... only one website.. Inglés - Español... un sólo website...
Rejoicing with new babies!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Alma Tello is born!
Dear ones,
We thanks the Lord for Alma, the little girl that God gave in his Love to Pablo and Marcela. She and her mother are fine and enjoying this wonderful miracle of God. Be praying for them as they recover before they are able to be back home from the Hospital and with her brothers Melina and Pedro. Congratulations!
Queridos hermanos,
Damos gracias al Señor por Alma, la pequeña niña que Dios les ha dado en su Amor a Pablo y Marcela. Ella y su mamá están bien y disfrutando de este maravilloso milagro de Dios. Estén orando por ellos mientras se recuperan y pueden volver a su casa del Hospital para estar con sus hermanos Melina y Pedro. ¡Felicitaciones!
Queridos hermanos,
Damos gracias al Señor por Alma, la pequeña niña que Dios les ha dado en su Amor a Pablo y Marcela. Ella y su mamá están bien y disfrutando de este maravilloso milagro de Dios. Estén orando por ellos mientras se recuperan y pueden volver a su casa del Hospital para estar con sus hermanos Melina y Pedro. ¡Felicitaciones!
Friday, May 22, 2009
We Rejoice in the Salvation of souls!
Yesterday evening, Cristian came to know the Lord as personal Savior. Cristian (left side in the picture) is Ariel's co-worker (right side). Ariel shared with him about his faith in Christ weeks and months ago. Cristian began to assit to the church with Victoria, with whom he has a baby. Yesterday I was invited to visit them at home and after reading several Bible verses and explained the Gospel, Cristian became a new born man! Praise God! Be praying for him as we will start discipleship... Pray for Victoria and for his mother-in-law, Martha who wants to come to listen the Word also.
Thanks God for our home!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It was awsome to us also to hear how many people has been praying for us. It was a tough year without space and specialy for Silvina. Now we trust the Lord, who gave us this house, that He will provide for every need in the following months. We're still in the old house until everything is fixed there, details, etc, but the moving will be soon, this week. I will post some pictures at our website in due time. For now, I am looking forward to be in the new home and to listen with my family the following song that I am sharing here (lyrics). Lord bless.
Jesus King of angels heaven's light
Shine Your face upon this house tonight
Let no evil come into my dreams
Light of heaven keep me in Your peace
Remind me how You made dark spirits flee
And spoke Your power to the raging sea
And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man
Remind me Jesus this is what I am
The universe is vast beyond the stars
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me and bind me
With all my heart I love You Sovereign Lord
Tomorrow let me love You even more
And rise to speak the goodness of Your name
Until I close my eyes and sleep again
Jesus King of angels heaven's light
Hold my hand and keep me through this night
Shine Your face upon this house tonight
Let no evil come into my dreams
Light of heaven keep me in Your peace
Remind me how You made dark spirits flee
And spoke Your power to the raging sea
And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man
Remind me Jesus this is what I am
The universe is vast beyond the stars
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me and bind me
With all my heart I love You Sovereign Lord
Tomorrow let me love You even more
And rise to speak the goodness of Your name
Until I close my eyes and sleep again
Jesus King of angels heaven's light
Hold my hand and keep me through this night
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Easter in Villa Regina - 2
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