We can be absent, but God is still working among us! We're glad for what the Lord has been doing in our church, specially regarding the last happenings. Ten ladies of the church went to participate in the Ladies Retreat at our Camp. It was a wonderful time for them in many ways. First of all, as they went together and had time as a group of the church. Not too often our sisters have the time to spent together without the hurries of everyday. They gave testimony of their time in the cabin, with devotions an fun time. Also, some of the ladies had, for the first time, the opportunity to went to such an activity. As we heard them praising God in a special service of thanksgiving, we also join with them in worshiping the Lord. It is always a very encouraging thing to listen to those new ones praising God ant exalting Him in a public testimony of His grace toward their lives.
But that was not the only special thing that happened in our last Sunday evening service; we also had testimonies of those whom are going to obey God regarding baptism in two weeks ahead. We have six brothers whom will be taking this step of obedience. What incredible time we had seeing and savoring the grace of God in the lives of three young men who gave testimony of the way the Lord met their lives with the Gospel.
After the service was done, everybody went to hug the new ones and my wife and I had the opportunity to share some time with those who decided to take the same step in months ahead! So, as we plan a day of baptism for Nov, 18th, we are also doing plans for the next baptism service next year.
We are sure that this past Sunday our church experienced a "big little step" regarding fellowship and maturity. Brothers that would not gather together for talk due of some differences has been praising God and recognizing His grace and work in their lives.
No doubt, His grace is among us, and although we know that times will come when trials and problems will be visiting the church, we have for sure that God will be our strenght and tower of refuge. We enjoy at this time His wonderful hand!
Praise God whith us!