We're glad that we have this way to share what is happening here. God is good and we hope we would be ready to share with you what He is doing through us in Villa Regina, Argentina, SA. We serve as NATIONAL PASTORS (Unión de Centros Bíblicos - UCB) with Gospel Mission of South America 1401 SW 21 avenue Fort Lauderdale Fl 33312 phone: 954-587-2975 -- Lord bless. Sirviendo al Señor con la Unión de Centros Bíblicos en la ciudad de Villa Regina, Patagonia Argentina
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The Teens' project is almost ready!
As we were talking and praying we also gave thanks to the Lord because of the many ones that are being involved in the ministry of the church. Some are a praying team; some are crafts team; others are looking forward to help with the gathering of the teens; also others are going to help with some food for a fellowship time after the meeting.
So, this is part of a greater work; we pray that God would allow many unbeliever teens to come along with the Christian ones. Pray that they would invite their friends to listen to the Word.
As for the first service, we’re going to focus on “The battle for the mind,” and we are going to put our emphasis on Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever thing are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Thank you for your time and interest in reading this post. We will give you more advances in the following days. May the Lord bless everyone
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Teens' meeting will start!
Job had an "appetite for God's Word more than his necessary food." (Job 23:12.)
The Psalmist regarded the Word as "sweeter than honey from the honeycomb" (Psalms 19:10).
In the Book of Revelation, John was instructed to take God's Word and "eat the book" (Rev. 10:9).
This fun recipe is another way of eating God's Word.
The children of the house will have a great time in helping make this cake.
Have the older children look up the scriptures to find the ingredients.
1 Cup golden raisins (1 Samuel 25:18..."a hundred clusters of raisins")
1 Cup figs, chopped (Isaiah 34:4..."fig from the fig tree")
1 Cup almonds, finely chopped (Numbers 17:23..."bore ripe almonds"
1 Cup dates, chopped (Exodus 15:27..."there were seventy palms")
11/2 Cups flour (Leviticus 2:5..."fine flour, unleavened)
1 pinch salt (Leviticus 2:13..."season with salt"
1 tsp. cinnamon (Exodus 30:23..."of sweet cinnamon)
1 dash ginger and allspice (Song of Solomon 4:10..."all manner of spices)
1 tsp. baking powder (Amos 4:5..."of that which is leavened"
3 large eggs (Isaiah 10:14..."one gathereth eggs")
1 Cup sugar (Jeremiah 6:20..."and the sweet cane")
1/2 Cup vegetable oil (Numbers 11:8..."cake baked with oil")
1 Tblsp. honey (Judges 14:18..."what is sweeter than honey?)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees (F) or 165 degrees (C).
In a medium bowl combine raisins, dates, figs, and almonds. Set aside.
In a large bowl beat eggs until light. Gradually add sugar and continue beating for 5 minutes.
Add oil and honey slowly and continue beating another 5 minutes.
Add flour, salt, baking powder, and spices, a little at a time. Stir until well blended.
Finally, fold in the fruit and nuts. Pour into well-greased 5"x9" loaf pan or two smaller pans.
Bake about 11/2 hours for large loaf, 45 minutes to 1 hour for smaller loaves.
Let cool for a few hours then slice with a sharp knife. Keeps well in refrigerator.
Taken from www.poofcat.com
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Grandma's Bible Cake

Here’s a recipe for all of you who delight in “spiritual food.” Enjoy cooking!
(A) 1 cup of Judges 5:25, last clause
(B) 2 cups of Jeremiah 6:20
(C) 2 teaspoons of I Samuel 14:25, first clause
(D) 6 of Jeremiah 17:11
(E) 1/2 cup of Judges 4:19, first clause
(F) 4-1/2 cups of I Kings 4:22
(G) 2 teaspoons of Amos 4:5
(H) 1 cup of I Samuel 30:12, second phrase
(I) 1 cup of Nahum 3:12
(J) II Chronicles 9:9, 2nd phrase, to taste
Cream together A, B, and C. Beat D until frothy; add E to D, then combine with creamed mixture and beat thoroughly. Sift together the first part of F with G, then add the rest of F. Mix together with the first ingredients. Chop and flour H and I before adding. Add a generous amount of J to taste. Beat for 5 minutes.
Bake in a shallow pan at 375 degrees for 10 minutes.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Meet our Sunday School

We want you to meet our Sunday School. Here we present to you some pictures of what we do as we gather together each Sunday morning. First, we sing and praise the Lord; we do it usually with Children's songs and also with a songbook. We try to do what we have commended in Ephesians 5:19 "in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;"
Then we separate in several classes. We have four: From 0-6; from 7-9; from 10-13 and from 14-up. As we shared with you in a previous post, we are preparing teachers to meet other needs; for example a youth class and a teen's class. We pray that God would allow us to have those classes ASAP. In the pictures, you can see three of the four classes and one picture of our opening service. May the Lord bless everybody, and thx again for you kind support and prayers.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Carolina's Birthday - 5/19

Carolina turned to 17! We thankGod for our daughter. Pray for her, specially for her future. She's deciding her career for the next year. We're confident in God's guidance for her and for us as we counsel her and pray for her. Here are some pictures of the party yesterday; the "empanadas" is a typical food here in South America; then Carolina is blowing candles and the remaining pictures are friends from High School and youth group of the church. Enjoy!
Do we know God or do we know about Him?
One of the reasons our witness to God’s reality is minimal is that our understanding of God’s reality is minimal. In the name of quick and relevant impact we minimize the very greatness that would be his renown. Without this, we will not boldly and graciously reassert his rightful place in all of life. What we need is a big picture of a great God who is utterly committed to joyfully demonstrating his greatness in doing us good. That is, we need to see the majesty of God and know the splendor of God overflowing toward us with exuberant omnipotence. It is not enough to believe that God is big and strong and fearsome—which he is. We must experience this magnificence as the explosion of God’s uncontainable zeal to satisfy his creatures by showing them himself.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Be praying with us...
- Pray for a near future ministry among the teens – We can see that there’s a need to reach them. The environment of High School and TV programs; the media, philosophy of life and many other things are tempting our teens in a very dangerous way. So we are going to start a Bible Study to meet their needs apart from the youth group. This will mean more believers with commitment and a heart for service and love for Christ.
- Pray for the salvation of Gabriela Carballo (30).
- Pray for the salvation of Benito and Iris Moreira – the parents of two of our Sunday School’s children. They are coming regularly to Sunday night’s service.
- As we were visiting a Carlos and Isabel, we had the opportunity to share the Gospel with some of their relatives. This is a common thing here. People would arrive to a home to share a couple of minutes with friends or relatives and these are the times when opportunities allow us to share the Good News. So, pray for Matilde and her mother. They were very interested in what we were talking about Jesus and the truth.
Brothers, thank you for your sincere prayers. May the Lord bring more souls to His kingdom.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Last Sunday Night

This was our last service. We didn't have much unbelievers, but we thanks God for the opportunity that we had sharing the Gospel and reaching the people outside our walls! It was a great and a wonderful experience and we hope to keep on doing that in the following weeks. However, the mother of one of our teens came to hear and she invited us to visit her at home. So, pray for Gabriela (30) as we plan to visit her.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Meetings began

Evangelistic meetings began and we didn’t have many unbelievers as we expected, but today, we have two that came to hear the Gospel. In the morning we went downtown to give more than 500 invitations, so we’re glad that we were able, through God’s grace, to do this work. In the picture you can see Pastor Julio preaching and helping us with music. Also two picutres of the service tonight (Sat. 13th) – During the service and at the end of it. May the Lord bring more people to hear the Gospel tomorrow. Pray with us and thank you for we know that you’re doing so. We will let you know more in the following days.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Guest book is for everyone!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Evangelistic Meetings

Dear brothers and sisters, we would appreciate your prayers on behalf the Evangelistic Meetings that we will have next weekend, May/12-14. We're sharing invitations in many homes and also Sunday morning in a place in Salto that the people call "Feria", it means "a shopping place." This place gather more than thousand people every Sunday. We went there to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the picture, you can see a group last Sunday morning going to that place after Sunday School (Picture 1).
Then you can see two of our youth in the main place (Picture 2). Pictures 3-4 shows you parts of this place where there are many shops. Please, be praying for: 1. Pastor Julio Llagarías (Picture 5) who will be preaching in each service. 2. Pray that God would move the hearts of many neighbors to come to listen. 3. That every believer in the church would be ready to invite some relatives or friends to the meetings.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Meet our Sanctuary
Volley after Youth Meeting

After the Youth meeting, each Saturday, they play volley in their place in the back of the building. It's a sad thing that pictures doesn't have "sound" because if so, you would hear them laughing and enjoying this time. God is good with us and we're seeing that He is changing the group into a more mature one. Pray that He will rise among them some that will serve Him with all their hearts.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Men's Retreat in our Camp

Thank you to everyone that has been praying for our Men's Retreat on May 1-3. We had a very wonderful time of fellowship and also good and sound teaching of the Word of the Living God. We were taught on the issue of Faithful Men from 2 Timothy. Our main speaker was Pastor Manuel Moyano from the city of Montevideo. Our Retreat was also a good time for prayer. We gathered together for prayer during those days. What a wonderful thing is to share one to another our own burdens and prayer requests. Being a faithful man is not an easy thing during this present time, but we learned that the grace of God is always at hand to help us to improve our fight and also to learn how to pass our legacy to other faithful men. May the Lord grant us to keep all this teaching in our hearts for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let the fire burn our hearts for our Lord! Enjoy the pictures.