Thursday, October 18, 2012

October News from Villa Regina 


1. Ricardo is presently teaching through Genesis, Nehemiah, and Acts verse by verse and says it has become a great blessing for the church and especially for his personal life. Pray that the church would appreciate even more the importance of verse-by-verse Bible teaching.

2. José, the young man Ricardo visits on a weekly basis, has confessed faith in Christ. Ricardo says they are waiting for the proofs of his verbal profession of faith.

3. A lady named Kati called Ricardo the other day because she wanted to be assured from the Scriptures that she is a Christian. Kati lost her brother in a motorcycle accident one month ago. She began to witness to her family as soon as this happened, and Ricardo believes she understands the gospel through the grace of God.

 Prayer requests

1. Please continue to pray that the money will come in so that they can purchase the building where the church is meeting. They can rent it until June 2013.

2. Pray that God would bring more young people into the church as a result of the witness and testimony of the young people in their schools. At present, Ricardo has just two teens in the youth meetings, one boy and one girl.

3. Pray also for strong marriage relationships in the church. The church needs strong families that would be clear witnesses in their own neighborhoods.