Friday, October 12, 2007

Some News for October

We appreciate your prayers for:
1. A new Bible Study with the Stranger that I began yesterday (October 11th) with the Padron family
2. My wife and one of the ladies of the church are going every Tuesday to discipleship a lady (Griselda) who needs your prayers because she has an unsaved husband who is doing her life an impossible one.
3. Pray for a young lady who has been left by her husband and is suffering a lot because of that situation. Her name is Marina.
4. Pray for our church, we are giving steps in order to have a new pastor.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Stranger with the Finozzi family

I am also doing The Stranger with the Finozzi family. They are very excited about the study. Pray that the Lord would confirm in them His work. They assume that they know Christ, but I pray that they would see this in the following weeks as we move forward with the Bible Study.

The Stranger with Manuel

As I posted the other day, I am visiting some people that are not coming to church but are opening their houses to recieve this wonderful evangelistc-discipleship book.
This is Manuel. He's 77 years old and I began to visit him one month and a half ago. Manuel could be my father, because of his age. My father, who is now with the Lord would have Manuel's age. So we have a good relationship. Manuel wanted to know about the Bible before he die. He found The Stranger a wonderful book to know more about the Bible. When we arrived at the story of the sin of Adam and Eve, Manuel wept as he understood about the real cause of the problems of the world and his own life. I visit Manuel twice a week. Pray for him.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Stranger

Two years ago, I recieved a training on the book called "The Stranger" from a dear couple and friends that are ministering in Ontario, Canada. They sent to us 10 copies of this wonderful book ( to be used with different people. Well, now I began as my friend Colby did (see The Holmes Site in the links), with some new Bible Studies (3 in total) with about 8 people. This post is for you to know about it. You will have some pictures of the Bible Studies soon.

Everybody's wondering?

Maybe. What is happening with Well, nothing special at all. Just a lack of perseverance. Thanks God, He is not like us!
Since our last post, nothing happened with Luis Miguel. I kept on visiting him but, to my surprise, he began to go to a former pentecostal church. So, that was a sad new for us and I stop visiting him. That is the true. I know he is now working in several places trying to recover lost time. I am not saying that I am not going to see him anymore, but for now, I am waiting to see what is going to happen.
Thats all for now regarding Luis Miguel.